Actor Guidelines
You Connection is a nonprofit Christian organization using professional media and theatre to connect audiences of all ages to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We host YC Web, an online streaming site targeting a daily global audience with a unique variety of films and webisodes, and we produce live theatre at our facility in Downtown Plano, Texas, for a DFW audience.
You Connection is a professional company (meaning we pay our performers and we produce original works for the marketplace), and we expect high standards of excellence from all our performers, including knowing your lines and songs, but also in behavior and conduct.
For performers under age 18, keep in mind we are relying on the parent or legal guardian to display the same level of professionalism regarding schedules, dates, and other details. Please note "parent power" does not work in a professional environment, since this is actually a job that your child is employed at (as opposed to an acting school or youth program).
Resident Performers are part-time monthly performers (literally, an ongoing part-time job) who are required to commit to all film and theatre projects per season (July to July). The YC Cast are performers who may select which productions they are available for throughout a season (though YC Cast members still need to be involved consistently throughout a season; missing three productions in a row, for example, may lead to dismissal).
- Residents are automatically included in all projects for the season; YC Cast members are sent an "Invite" to join the upcoming film or theatre project, with commitment deadlines and other details.
- The script is finalized to accommodate that project's specific cast lineup, so once YC Cast members commit to a project, your commitment is final and mandatory.
- Characters are assigned to cast members based on who is right for what part (and roles are frequently finalized to highlight the qualities of each performer, since it is an ongoing troupe and Matt easily learns what each actor can do best); final scripts or character assignments cannot be sent out before an actor's commitment due to this unique finalizing process, so we assume that cast members trust and support You Connection's content (there's never any swearing, off-color content, or inappropriate sexual content; however, deep theological or social themes are frequently explored).
We expect commitment to You Connection to be taken seriously. The only acceptable reason for an actor pulling out of a performing commitment is in the event of an unavoidable emergency. We cannot accept as "unavoidable emergencies": family plans or work conflicts (this MUST be considered BEFORE you commit), other performance gigs or auditions, minor "head cold"-style illnesses (in which case "the show must go on"), or circumstances that can be avoidable or worked out privately.
We currently do not require that actors be born-again Christians, however all YC performers MUST honor and respect our Christian mission, goals, principles, and content at all times. All YC performers are considered male or female based on the gender you were born with; as a Christian organization it must be respected that we do not accept "gender-bending"; though we cannot interfere with a performer's private life, it must be noted that there cannot be any conflict of interest between a performer and YC's Bible-based mission.
By signing the e-signature below, the performer (or parent/legal guardian, for under 18s) is consenting to these guidelines to the best of his/her knowledge and abilities, and also consents to the use of his/her likeness in photography and video, to be used only for You Connection's legal and stated purposes.
This form is for actors who have auditioned and been accepted ONLY; typing your name in without an audition does not qualify you to join You Connection.