YC Books
You Connection's deep theology and wild creativity come alive in this series of books (both fiction and non-fiction) written by Founder/Director Matt Kramer.
$7.00 paperback
A compelling discourse on the Arts and its powerful potential in evangelizing the Gospel, by YC Founder Matt Kramer.
$7.00 paperback
A humorous satire on the rewriting of history, a Canterbury Tales meets Alice in Wonderland absurdist tale about a peasant girl who enters a surreal world when she travels to London Bridge. Illustrated by Eden Chapman.
Ages 13-adult.
$10.oo paperback
$14.00 hardcover
(paperback recommended for online ordering; hardcovers take a long time to ship)
A thrilling fictional allegory of the supernatural, set in a unique hybrid of political thriller/superhero/ghost story/fantasy. Ages 13-adult.